- Aberdeen Press and Journal
- (Aberystwyth) Cambrian News
- Andover Advertiser: editor@andoveradvertiser.co.uk
- The Argus, Worthing: letters@theargus.co.uk
- Banbury Guardian
- Belfast Telegraph: editor@belfasttelegraph.co.uk
- Birkenhead News
- Blackburn News
- Blackpool Citizen: blackpool_editorial
- Bolton Evening News
- Brighton Evening Argus
- Bristol Evening Post Fax 0117 934 3575
- British Medical Journal: bmj@bmj.com
- Bucks Herald
- Burnley Express
- Cambrian News: edit@cambrian-news.co.uk
- Cardigan Today
- Carlisle News and Star
- Carmarthen Journal
- Chester Chronicle newsroom@cheshirenews.co.uk
- Chester & District Standard: news@chesterstandard.co.uk
- Congleton Guardian: iross@guardianrp.co.uk
- Coventry Telegraph: editorial@go2coventry.co.uk
- Crewe Guardian: crewe@guardiangrp.co.uk
- Crosby Herald & Times: newsdesk@crosbyherald.co.uk
- Cumberland and Westmorland Herald with Lake District Herald
- Dartmouth Chronicle and South Hams Gazette
- Denbighshire Free Press
- Derby Evening Post
- Dorset Echo: letters@dorsetecho.co.uk Fax: +44 (0)1305 830870
- East Anglian Daily Times: EADTLetters@eadt.co.uk
- Eastern Daily Press (Norfolk): EDPLetters@archant.co.uk
- East Lancashire Newspapers
- Ellesmere Port Standard: news@chesterstandard.co.uk
- Evening News, Edinburgh enquiries@scotsman.com
- Evening Standard, London: letters@standard.co.uk
- Exeter Express and Echo
- Fishguard Today
- Formby Times: newsdesk@formbytimes.co.uk
- Forest of Dean & Wye Valley Review
- Garstang Courier: garstang.courier@lmnews.co.uk
- Gloucester Citizen
- Grimsby Evening Gazette
- Gwent South Wales Argus
- Halifax Evening Courier
- Hartlepool Mail
- Hastings Observer
- Hertfordshire Mercury
- Hitchin, The Comet
- Horwich Advertiser: advertiser@news4u.co.uk
- Hull Daily Mail
- Hunts Post
- Isle of Wight County Press
- Jersey Evening Post
- Kentish Gazette 9 St Georges Street, Canterbury 01227 768181
- Knutsford Guardian: lancaster_editorial@newsquest.co.uk
- Lakeland Echo:
- Lampeter Today
- Lancashire Evening Telegraph:
- Leicester Mercury postbag@leicestermercury.co.uk
- Leigh Journal: leigh_editorial@newsquest.co.uk
- Lincolnshire Echo
- Liverpool Daily Post:
- Liverpool Echo: letters@liverpoolecho.co.uk
- Liverpool Weekly Star & Advertiser: lwng.newsdesk@liverpool.com
- Llanelli Star
- Maldon and Burnham Standard: maldon@essex-news.co.uk
- Mansfield Chad
- Middlesborough Evening Gazette
- Mid Essex Evening Gazette: gazette_postbag@essex-news.co.uk
- Milton Keynes Citizen
- Monmouthshire Beacon
- Newbury Weekly News
- Newport County Echo
- Newton and Golborne Guardian: Editor@GuardianGrp.co.uk
- North Wales Chronicle
- North West Evening Mail Cumbria: news@nwemail.co.uk
- Northern Echo
- Northwich Guardian: northwich@guardiangrp.co.uk
- Nottingham Post
- Ocean FM Radio: info@oceanradio.co.uk
- Ormskirk Advertiser: newsdesk@ormskirkadvertiser.co.uk
- Oxford Mail: oxfordmail.letters@nqo.com Fax 01865 425554
- Plymouth Evening Herald 01752 765500
- Plymouth Western Morning News, 01752 765529
- Portsmouth: The News: letters@thenews.co.uk
- Powys County Times
- Poynton Times: maccelsfieldtimes@gmwn.co.uk
- Preston Reporter
- Pwllheli Today
- Radio Times: radio.times@bbc.co.uk
- Romsey Advertiser: letters@romseyadvertiser.co.uk
- Ross on Wye News
- Runcorn World: newsroom@worldgroup.co.uk
- Sale and Altrincham Messenger: sam.editorial@messengergrp.co.uk
- Salford Advertiser & Salford reporter: westmanchesteradvertiser@gmwn.co.uk
- Scunthorpe Evening Telegraph
- The Sentinel: martin.tideswell@thesentinel.co.uk
- Slough Observer
- South Wales Argus
- South Wales Evening Post: postbox@swwp.co.uk
- St Davids County Echo
- Tenby Observer
- This is London: newsdesk@thisislondon.co.uk
- Torquay Herald Express
- The Voice
- Warrington Guardian: Editor@GuardianGrp.co.uk
- Watford Observer
- Wellington News
- West Cumberland Times and Star
- West Midlands Express and Star
- Western Daily Press
- Westmorland Gazette: gazette@kendal.newsquest.co.uk
- Wigan Evening Post: janet.wilson@lancspublications.co.uk
- Wigan Observer: gillian.gray@lancspublications.co.uk
- Wirral Globe: globe.editorial@wirral-globe.co.uk
- Wirral News: newsdesk@wirralnews.co.uk
- Wolverhampton Express and Star
- Worksop Guardian
- Y CYMRO, Welsh Language paper
- York Evening Post
- Yorkshire Post: yp.editor@ypn.co.uk
- Buenos Aires Herald: info@BuenosAiresHerald.com
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation: comments@your.abc.net.au
- Australian Daily Telegraph
- Brusselton Dunsborough Mail: fax +61 8 9754 3331
- Cairns Post: letters@cairnspost.com.au
- The Canberra Chronicle: Fax +61 2 6239 1345
- Canberra Times: letters.editor@canberratimes.com.au
- Courier Mail: cmletters@qnp.newsltd.com.au
- Gold Coast Sun: +61 7 5597 2182
- Herald Sun: HsLetters@ozemail.com.au
- Hill Gazette: fax +61 8 925 2428
- The Hobart Mercury
- The Mercury: mercuryedletter@trump.net.au
- Newcastle Herald: Fax +61 24979 5888
- Northern Daily Leader: fax +61 2 6766 7631
- The Sunday Age: letters@theage.fairfax.com.au
- Sunday Mail: mailedit@ozemail.com.au
- Sydney Morning Herald: mailto:letters@smh.com.au
- Valley View
- X Magazine: editor@xpressmag.com.au
- The Weekend Australian: ausletr@matp.newsltd.com.au
- Wichita Eagle: weedit@wichitaeagle.com
- The Advocate:advocate@sunbeach.net
- Nation News:nationnews@sunbeach.net
- Caribbean Week: week@sunbeach.net
- Cana News Agency:wire@sunbeach.net
- Belize Times: editor@belizetimes.com
- El Diario de Bolivia: contacto@eldiario.net
- The Brazilian: editor@thebrazilian.com
- Alberta Report: ar.edletters@inetnorth.ab.ca
- Burnaby Newsleader: newsroom@burnabynewsleader.com
- Cannabis Culture Magazine was Cannabis Canada
- Calgary Herald: letters@theherald.southam.ca
- Calgary Sun
- Chilliwack Progress: editor@theprogress.com
- Comox Valley Echo BC: ech@mars.ark.com
- Duncan News Leader BC: nleditor@newsgroup.bc.ca
- Edmonton Sun: sun.letters@ccinet.ab.ca
- The Expositor: opinion@brt.southam.ca
- Eye Magazine, Toronto: eye@eye.net
- Financial Post
- Globe and Mail: letters@globeandmail.ca
- Grand Forks Gazette: gfgazedt@sunshinecable.com
- Hamilton Spectator letters@spectator.southam.ca
- Hour Magazine: letters@afterhour.com
- Jasper Booster: jasboo@telusplanet.net"
- Kelowna Daily Courier: kellet@ok.bc.ca
- Langley Times: newsroom@langleytimes.com
- London Free Press: letters@lfpress.com
- Morning Star News, Vernon, BC: morningstarnews@bcnewsgroups.ca
- Nanaimo News Bulletin BC: bulletin@newsgroups.bc.ca
- New Brunswick Telegraph Journal : tjetg@nbnet.nb.ca
- Newfoundland Evening Telegram: letters@eveningtelegram.com
- North Shore News: editor@nsnews.com
- Nunatsiaq News: nunat@nunatnet.com
- Ottowa Citizen: letters@thecitizen.southam.ca
- Parksville Qualicum Beach News BC: pqbnews@island.net
- Peace Arch News BC: editorial@peacearchnews.com
- Penticton Herald: mike.turner@ok.bc.ca
- The Province BC: provedpg@pacpress.southam.ca
- Siskiyou Daily News: sisdaily@inreach.com
- St Catharines Standard: standard@scs.southam.ca
- St Thomas Times-Journal : tj_mail@sympatico.ca
- Sudbury Star: editorial@thesudburystar.com
- Sun Review, Vernon, BC: infor@sunreview.com
- Toronto Star: LetterToEd@thestar.com
- The Vancouver Province: provedpg@pacpress.southam.ca
- Vancouver Sun: sunletters@pacpress.southam.ca
- The Victoria Times Colonist: jknox@victoriatimescolonist.com
- Victoria Times: timessc@interlink.bc.ca
- Western Producer: newsroom@producer.com
- The Winnipeg Sun: editor@wpgsun.com
- China Daily editor@chinadaily.com.cn
- Hong Kong Standard: editor@hkstandard.com
- South China Morning Post
- The Cyprus Mail: CyprusMail@cytanet.com.cy
� Gulf News
- Middle East Times, Egypt Edition: met@ritsec1.com.eg
- Hafvud Stadsbladet:
- Helsingin Sanomat International Edition: international@sanoma.fi
- 3-D Magazin, Stuttgart: 3d-magazin@stereo.s.bawue.de
- Berliner Zeitung
- Bild Zeitung
- Die Tageszeitung
- Die Welt
- Die Zeit
- Express Hamburg
- FinanzNachrichten.de
- Focus, Muenchen
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: efaz@faz.de
- Frankfurter Rundschau: fr-leserbriefe@combox.de
- Hamburger Morgenpost: leserbrief@mopo.de
- Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung: haz@madsack.de
- M�nchen Merkur
- Radio Hundert, Berlin: edvorga@bbtt.de
- Stern, Hamburg: 100125.1305@compuserve.com
- Suddeutsche Zeitung
- Westdeutsche Zeitung
- Eleytherotypia: elef@enet.gr
- Kathimerini: kathi-editor@email.kathimerini.gr
- To BHMA: tovima@dolnet.gr
- Guatemala Weekly:
- The Jakarta Post: editorial@thejakartapost.com
- Inside Indonesia : editor@insideindonesia.org
- IndoNews : IndoNews@Indo-News.com
- Indonesian Observer
- Times of India: editor@timesofindia.com
- Hindustan Times: mailto:htedo@nda.vsnl.net.in
- Economic Times: webeditor@economictimes.com
- An Phoblacht/Republican News: aprn@irlnet.com
- The Examiner: exam_letters@examiner.ie
- Irish Independent: independent.letters@independent.ie
- Irish News: t.collins@irishnews.com
- Irish Times: lettersed@irish_times.ie
- Jamaica Observer: editorial@jamaicaobserver.com
- Weekly Gleaner
� Daily Nation: Fax 254 2 213946, PO Box 49010, Nairobi, Kenya
- The National: national@online.net.pg
- Christchurch Press: editorial@press.co.nz"
- Critic Mag: critic@stonebow.otago.ac.nz
- Chaff Mag: chaff.editor@clear.net.nz
- Channel Z: channelz@voyager.co.nz
- City Voice: cvoice@actrix.co.nz
- The Dominion: letters@dominion.co.nz
- Evening Post: editor@evpost.co.nz
- Ice TV: icetv@icetv.co.nz
- The Listener: editor@listener.co.nz
- Marlborough Express PO Box 242, Blenheim: brendon@marlexpress.co.nz Fax +64 3 578 6059
- Nelson Mail Fax +64 3 546 2802
- Nexus Mag: nexus@waikato.ac.nz
- New Zealand Herald
- Radio Active: agency@radioactive.co.nz
- Radio NZ: news@radionz.co.nz
- Scoop Aukland: aukland@scoop.co.nz
- Southland Times gordon.bain@sti.co.nz
- Tearaway Mag: editor@tearaway.xtra.co.nz
- Times Age: office@times-age.co.nz
There are many more for New Zealand at this page: http://www.norml.org.nz/norml/Action/media_contacts.htm
- Abuja Mirror: todaycom@skannet.com
- Verdens Gang:
- DAWN (ENGLISH): letters@dawn.com editor@dawn.com
- Khabrain (Urdu): khibd@isp.pohsats.com.pk
- Mashriq (Urdu): mashriq@paknet2.ptc.pk mashriq@pes.comsats.net.pk
- Nation (English): editor@nation.com.pk
- Nawa e Waqat (Urdu): nawaiwaqtisb@hotmail.com
- Pakistan (Urdu): pak2001@isb.comsats.net.pk pakisb@isb.paknet.com.pk
- Stateman (English): stateman@brain.net.pk stateman@netzone.net.pk
- The News (English): thenews@isb.comsats.net.pk
- Manila Times: newsboy1@manilatimes.net
- Manila Bulletin: bulletin@mb.com.ph
- Philippine Daily Inquirer: feedback@inquirer.com.ph
- Philippine Star: info@philstar.com
- Sun Star Baguio: sunstar@bgo.cyberspace.com.ph
- Sun Star Davao: sunnex@sunstar.com.ph
- Sunstar Pamanga: sunnex@sunstar.com.ph
- Europa Press News: webmaster@europapress.com
- The Warsaw Voice: voice@warsawvoice.com.pl
- BBC Radio Aberdeen: jcowie@scot.bbc.co.uk
- Aberdeen Press and Journal: editor@pj.ajl.co.uk Fax: +44(0)1224 663575
- Aberdeen Evening Express editor@ajl.co.uk
- Big Issue in Scotland: edit.scot@bigissue.com Fax: +44 (0)141 552 3200
- Dundee Courier: courier@dcthomson.co.uk
- Evening News, Edinburgh enquiries@scotsman.com
- The Herald, Glasgow: heraldmail@cims.co.uk
- Northern Scot
- The Scotsman: Letters_ts@scotsman.com
- Scotland on Sunday: editorial@scotonsun.com
- Scottish Daily Mail letters@dailymail.co.uk
- Shetland Times
- Stornoway Gazette
- Sunday Herald, Glasgow: editor@sundayherald.com Fax: +44 (0)141 302 7809
- The Sunday Post : mail@sundaypost.com
- El Pais: cartasdirector@elpais.es, Letters in Spanish only
- Dagen Nyheter: dnet@dn.se
- Expressen, Stockholm: chefred@expressen.se
- Nojesguiden: red@nojesguiden.se
- Svenska Dagbladet: brevred@svd.se
- Bangkokpost: dawson@bangkokpost.net
- News Hour with Jim Lehrer (PBS): newshour@pbs.org
- Abilene Reporter-News letter@abinews.com
- Ahwatukee Fothills News, AZ: afn@netzone.com
- Akron Beacon Journal: vop@akron.infi.net
- Albuquerque Journal, NM: opinion@aol.com
- Altamount Enterprise NY: AltaE@Albany.net
- Alton Telegraph, IL: telegraph@primary.net
- Anchorgae Daily News, AR: letters@adn.com
- Andalusia Star-News AL: scott.hawkins@andalusiastarnews.com
- Anderson Valley Advertiser, CA: ava@pacific.net
- Appleton Post-Crescent WI: pcnews@smgpo.gannett.com
- Arizona Daily Star: letters@azstarnet.com
- Arizona Republic: Opinion@pni.com
- Asheville Citizen-Times NC:
- Athens Daily News GA feedback@onlineathens.com?subjectLettertotheEditor
- Athens News OH: news@athensnews.com
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution GA: insideajc@ajc.com
- The Augusta Chronicle, GA: letters@augustachronicle.com
- Austin American Statesman: letters@statesman.com
- Baltimore Sun, MD: letters@baltsun.com
- Bakersfield Californian: opinion@bakersfield.com
- Bangor Daily News, ME: bdmail@bangornews.infi.net
- Bay Area Reporter, CA: barpaper@aol.com
- Beacon Journal OH: vop@thebeaconjournal.com
- Bella Vista Weekly Vista make@nwanews.com
- Bellingham Herald WA newsroom@belingh.gannett.com
- Bergen Record NJ: LettersToTheEditor@bergen.com
- Billings Gazette MT: speakup@bsw.net
- Birmingham News, AL: epage@bhamnews.com
- Bisbee Observer AZ: bisbeeobserver@theriver.com
- The Blade : letters@theblade.com
- Blue Spring Examiner MO: dbrendel@examiner.net
- Boston Globe: letters@globe.com
- Boulder Daily Camera: marshallj@boulderpublishing.com
- Boulder Weekly: bweditor@tesser.com
- Brainwashington: open_wire_623@brainwashington.com
- Bristol Press, CT: editor@bristolpress.com
- Brown Daily Herald RI: letters@browndailyherald.com
- Buffalo News, NY: fax 716 856 5150
- The Bulletin, OR
- Cape Cod Times (MA)
- Capitol Times, Madiso, WI: tctvoice@madison.com
- Carroll County Times, MD: carolcty@cct.infi.net
- Casco Bay Weekly, ME: editor1@maine.rr.com
- Catonsvile Times MD: jjoyner@patuxent.com
- Centre Daly Times, PA: pcarty@knightridder.geis.com
- Charlotte Creative Loafing NC: backtalk@creativeloafing.com
- Charlott Observer, NC: opinion@charlotte.com
- Chicago Tribune: tribletter@aol.com
- Chickash Express Star OK: cdxpress@telepath.com
- Chickasha News, OK
- Christian Science Monitor: oped@csps.com
- The Chronicle of Higher Education: editor@chronicle.com
- City Paper, PA
- City View IA: editor@businesspublicationsdm.com
- The Clarion Ledger MS
- CNN: cnn.feedback@cnn.com
- Colorado Daily: letters@codaily.com
- Columbia Journalism Review: cjr@columbia.edu
- The Columbia, WA: editors@columbian.com
- Columbus Dispatch OH: letters@dispatch.com
- Commercial Appeal, TN: letters@gomemphis.com
- Corpus Christie Caller-Times, TX
- Courier Journal, Kentucky: cjletters@louisv02.gannett.com
- Daily Athenaeum WV: lplacek@wvu.edu
- Daily Bruin, UCLA, CA: viewpoint@media.ucla.edu
- Daily Camera CO openforum@thedailycamera.com
- Daily Gazette
- Daily Egyptian: editor@siu.edu
- Daily Herald, IL: fencepost@dailyherald.com
- Daily O'Collegian, OK
- Daily Record, NJ: letters@dailyrecord.com
- Daily Southtown IL: dstedit@interaccess.com
- Daily Targum NJ: opinion@dailytargum.com
- Daily Texan
- Dallas Morning News: letterstoeditor@dallasnews.com
- Danbury News-Times, CT: mconnolly@newstimes.com
- Dayton Daily News OH: edletter@coxohio.com
- Deseret News UT: letters@desnews.com
- Denver Post: letters@denverpost.com
- Des Moines Register: letters@news.dmreg.com
- Detroit Free Press: editpg@det-freepress.com
- Diamondback MD: commentary@scdh65.umd.edu
- Discover Magazine: editorial@discover.com
- Duluth News Tribune: newstrib@duluth.infi.net
- Duncan Banner, OK
- East Bay Express CA: letters@eastbayexpress.com
- Eau Claire Leader-Telegram WI: leadertelegram@ecol.net
- El Paso Inc: editor@elpasoinc.com
- El Paso Times TX: opinion@elpasotimes.com
- Evansville Courier, IN: courier@evansville.net
- Eugene Weekly: editor@eugeneweekly.com
- Fairfield County Weekly, CT: lgengo@newmassmedia.com
- Farmington Daily Times NM: markl@daily-times.com
- Fayetteville Observer-Times NC: eletters@fayettevillenc.com
- Florida Alligator: letters@alligator.org
- Florida Times-Union, FL: tuletter@tu.infi.net
- Florida Today: letters@brevard.gannett.com
- Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel: letters@sun-sentinel.com
- Fort Worth Star-Telegram : letters@star-telegram.com/
- Fosters Daily Democrat NH: letters@fosters.com
- Frederick News Post MD: contact
- The Fresno Bee: letters@fresnobee.com
- Fulton County Daily Record GA: FAX: (404) 523 5924
- Gainesville Sun FL
- Galveston County Daily News TX: heber.taylor@galvnews.com
- Gary Post-Tribune IN : pyvoice@aol.com
- Gloucester Daily Times MA: mfine@ecnnews.com
- Goldsboro News-Argus NC news@newsargus.com
- Grand Rapids Press, Michigan: pulse@ccmail.gr-press.com
- Greensboro News & Record: edpage@nr.infi.net
- GUAM Pacific Daily News
- Half Moon Bay Review CA: hmbreview@hmbreview.com
- Harper's Magazine: letters@harpers.org
- Hartford Courant, Connecticut: courant@pnet.com
- Havre Daily News HDN@havredailynews.com
- Hawaii Tribune-Herald
- Hendersonville Times-News, NC tnletters@ioa.com
- The Herald Everett: letters@heraldnet.com
- High Point Enterprise NS: letterbox@hpe.com
- Hobbs News-Sun NM editor@hobbsnews.com
- Honolulu Star-Bulletin: editor@starbulletin.com
- Honolulu Advertiser: 76322.2016@compuserve.com
- Houston Chronicle: viewpoints@chron.com
- The Idaho Statesman, IO: 76424.3356@compuserve.com
- IF Magazine: parry@ix.netcom.com
- Indian Country Today, SD: editor@indiancountry.com
- Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, CA letters@dailybulletin.com
- Inquirer PA: Inquirer.Opinion@phillynews.com
- International Herald Tribune & Washington Post:
- Island Packet SC: letters@islandpacket.com
- Isthmus, WI: edit@isthmus.com
- The Juneau Empire, AK: editor1@alaska.net
- Keentucky Kernel: kernel@pop.uky.edu
- Kentucky Post: kedits@cincypost.com
- Kingfisher Times and Free Press, OK
- La Crosse Tribune, WI: cchardie@century.net
- Lakota Nation Journal, SD
- Lancaster New Era, PA: newera@lnpnews.com
- Las Vegas Review Journal: letters@lvrj.com
- Las Vegas Sun, NV: letters@lasvegassun.com
- Leader Telegraph: jaymar@discover-net.net
- Lewiston Sun Journal: letters@sunjournal.com
- Lexington Herald-Leader (KY): hledit@lex.infi.net
- Lima News OH: letters@limanews.com
- Lincoln Journal Star: oped@nebweb.com
- Log Cabin Democrat: dkeith@the cabin.net
- Los Angeles Daily News
- LA Times: letters@latimes.com
- Los Angeles Times-Picayune: TPLetters@aol.com
- Lowell Sun MA
- Louisville Courier-Journal, KY: cjletters@loiusv02.garnett.com
- Marin Independent Journal, CA: opinion@marinij.com
- Martha's Vineyard Times, MA: mvtimes@mvtimes.com
- Meriden Report-Journal, CT
- Michigan Daily: daily.letters@umich.edu
- Milawaukee Journal Sentinel: jsedit@onwis.com
- Middletown Press, CT: editor@middletown.com
- Minneapolis Star-Tribune, MN: http://www.startribune.com/stonline/html/userguide/letform.html
- Missoulian MT: newsdesk@missoulian.com
- Modesty Bee CA: letters@modbee.com
- MoJo Wire: mojowire@motherjones.com
- Mountain Eagle, Tannersville, NY : FAX 607 652 5253
- Mountain Xpress NC xpress@mountainx.com
- Nevada Appeal NV
- New Haven Register, CT: letters@nhregister.com
- The New Republica, 1220 19th Street, NW, Washington USA DC20036
- Newsday, NY: letters@newsday.com
- New Times, CA: mail@newtimes-slo.com
- New York Daily News : voicers@edit.nydailynews.com
- New York Law Journal: talk@nylj.com
- New York Times: letters@nytimes.com
- North Platte Telegraph NE: editor@nque.com
- Northwest Arkansas Times AR: email@nwarktimes.com
- North West Florida Daily News FL: letters@nwfdailynews.com
- Norwich Bulletin CT
- Oakland Tribune: triblet@angnewspapers.com
- Ogdenburg Advance News, NY, PO Box 409, Ogdenburg, New York, 13669
- The Oklahoman, OK: http://www.oklahoman.com/?ed-writeus
- The Olympian, WA: olympian@olywa.net
- Omaha World-Herald, NE: pulse@owh.com
- Orange County Register: letters@link.freedom.com
- The Oregonian, OR: letters@news.oregonian.com
- Orlando Sentinel FL: osoinsight@aol.com
- Pacific Sun, CA: letters@mail.pacific.com
- Palo Alto Weekly, CA: paweekly@netcom.com
- The Pantagraph, IL: bwills@pantagraph.com
- Parkersburg Sentinel WV: editorial@newsandsentinel.com
- Pauls Valley Daily Democrat, OK
- Pensacola News Journal: opinion@pensacolanewsjournal.com
- Peoria Journal Star (IL): comment@pjstar.com
- Philadelphia Daily News: DailyNews.Opinion@phillynews.com
- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, PA: letters@post-gazette.com
- The Plain Dealer: letters@plaind.com
- Playboy Magazine: forum@playboy.com
- Post and Courier SC : editor@postandcourier.com
- The Press Democrat (CA): letters@pressdemo.com
- Press-Telegram, CA: speakout@ptconnect.infi.net
- Progressive Magazine, WI: editorial@progressive.org
- Pulse of the Twin Cities, MN: editor@pulsetc.com
- Raytown Dispatch-Tribune MO: tapes@tci-compass.com
- Reason Magazine: letters@reason.com
- Red Bluff Daily News CA
- Redding Record Searchlight, CA: letters@recsearch.com
- Register Citizen, CT: regcit@connix.com
- The Register-Guard Oregon: tbaker@guardnet.com
- Reno Gazette-Journal NV rgjmail@nevadanet.com
- Richmond Times-Dispatch, VA
- Roanoke Times (VA): karent@roanoke.com
- Rockford Register Star, IL: talktome@wwa.com
- Rocky Register Star: talktome@wwa.com
- Rocky Mountain News, CO: letters@denver-rmn.com
- Rock River Times, IL: Fax: 815 964 9825
- Rolling Stone Magazine: letters@rollingstone.com
- Saginaw News MI
- Salem Statesman-Journal: letters@statesmanjournal.com
- Salisbury News and Advertiser: SNAPaper@aol.com
- Salt Lake Tribune, UT: letters@sltrib.com
- San Antonio Express-News, TX:
- San Diego Union-Tribune: letters@uniontrib.com
- San Francisco Bay Guardian: letters@sfbayguardian.com
- San Francisco Examiner
- San Francisco Chronicle: Chronletters@sfgate.com
- San Jose Mercury News: letters@sjmercury.com
- San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune, CA: slott@slnt01.sanluisobispo.com
- San Marcos Daily Record, TX sandrnews@centuryinter.net
- St Augustine Project FL: toeditor@staugustine.com
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch: letters@pd.stlnet.com
- Santa Barbara News-Press, CA: sbnpedit@aol.com
- Santa Fe New Mexican: letters@sfnewmexican.com
- Santa Rosa Press Democrat CA: letters@pressdemo.com
- Sarasota Herald Tribune FL: letetrs@herald-trib.com
- Savannah Morning News, GA
- Schenectady, NY, Daily Gazette: gazette@dailygazette.com
- Scietific American: editors@sciam.com
- Seattle Times: opinion@seatimes.com
- Seventeen Magazine, : ask17@seventeen.com
- Shawnee News-Star: editor@news-star.com
- Shepherd Express, WI: editor@shepherd-express.com
- Silver City Daily Press and Independent NM letters@thedailypress.com
- Sonoma Index-Tribune: bill@sonomanews.com
- Southern Illinoisan, IL: mark.samuels@southernillinoisan.com
- Spartanburg Herald Journal SC opinion@shj.com
- Spokesman-Review Spokane,WA: editor@spokesman.com
- Springfield News-Leader MO: letters@springfi.gannett.com
- Standard Speaker PA : editorial@standardspeaker.com
- Standard Times, MA: YourView@S-T.com
- State Journal-Register, Springfield, IL: letters@sj-r.com
- St. Paul Pioneer Press, MN: nconner@pioneerpress.com
- Star-Ledger, NJ: eletters@starledger.com
- The State, Columbia, SC: edcyber@thestate.infi.net
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- Stillwater News Press OK: letters@stwnewspress.com
- Sun News: opinions@thesunnews.com
- Tacoma News Tribune: leted@p.tribnet.com
- Tallahassee Democrat, FL
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- Times Union, Albany, NY: tuletters@timesunion.com
- Topeka Capital-Journal,KS: letters@cjnetworks.com
- Trenton Times NJ letters@njtimes.com
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- The World
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- York Daily Record, PA: letters@ydr.com
- Yuma Daily Sun, AZ: newsroom@yumasun.com
- Daily News: editorial@dailynews.co.zw
- Sunday Mail: sundaymail@zimpapers.co.zw
- Zimbabwe Mirror: sundaymail@zimpapers.co.zw
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